Our knees are weight-bearing joints that endure a tremendous load. We exert so much pressure on them while walking, jogging, playing a sport, and so on. This can cause knee cartilage to degenerate over time, leading to knee discomfort and damage. However, taking care to protect your knees today, regardless of your age, can help avoid knee issues later on. Dr. Atul Shrivastava, a knee replacement doctor in Kolkata, discusses six strategies to take care of your knees.
Maintain a healthy weight
When you walk or use the stairs, every extra pound puts around 4 pounds of pressure on your knees. That’s a lot more for your joints to support, and it may put a lot of strain on your knees. However, as you lose the additional weight, symptoms improve and, in some cases, disappear.
Strengthening exercises
Simply said, healthy knees are strong knees. The mechanics of the joint improve dramatically as more efficient forces operate on them. Remember that, while the principal movers of the knee joint (quads and hamstrings) are crucial, they are not the only ones. It is also important to keep your hips and ankles strong. Swimming and cycling are considered to be the best exercises to strengthen your knees.
Sturdy footwear
Wearing worn-out shoes (or shoes without a firm sole) can change the way you walk and run, making your knees more prone to deterioration and injury. It probably goes without saying that flimsy sandals and flip-flops aren’t ideal for working out.
Get medical attention immediately in case of an injury
If you do not see a doctor, an acute injury may develop into a chronic injury, which will be more damaging to your joints. It is also critical to provide time for an injury to heal. This is something that many individuals do not do, says Dr. Atul Shrivastava, the best knee replacement surgeon in Kolkata. They return to the aggravating activity too quickly, putting unnecessary strain on the joints and facilitating additional damage. Allow your body adequate time to recuperate from any harm.
To feel better, stand up straight
When you slouch, you are leaning forward and walking hunched over at the waist, which causes knee discomfort. The head should be positioned over the shoulders, and the shoulders should be centred over the abdomen and pelvis. The more your body is off-centre, the more muscular activity you must perform to compensate. Those muscles gradually tire, producing joint strain.
Maintain Bone Health
Calcium and vitamin D can be beneficial. Dairy products are the finest providers of calcium, but green, leafy vegetables like broccoli and kale are also good choices. If you don’t receive enough calcium from meals, talk to your doctor about taking calcium supplements. For more details, consult the best knee replacement surgeon in Kolkata and discuss the total knee replacement cost in Kolkata.